We’re honored!
Thank you Your Mom Cares for including The Manifesting Journal in your Holiday Gift Guide 2022. 10% of the sales of TMJ will be donated to the non-profit (11/23/22-12/31/22)
Your Mom Cares is an amazing non-profit dedicated to kids mental wellness, please go check their work here and donate!
10% of the sales of The Manifesting Journal will be donated, so order your copy now - you’ll also find beautiful gift ideas in their guide such as:
Craft Studios NYC https://www.instagram.com/craftstudionyc/?hl=en
It's Not OK to Feel Blue (and other lies) https://www.instagram.com/scarcurtis/
Jaimie Geller Jewelry https://www.instagram.com/jaimiegellerjewelry/
Kizzmet Jewelry https://www.instagram.com/kizzmetjewelry/
Lingua Franca https://www.instagram.com/linguafrancanyc/
Live Rainbowfully https://www.instagram.com/liverainbowfully/
Maya Brenner https://www.instagram.com/mayabrenner/
Parmesan Pig https://www.instagram.com/parmesanpig/
Pixie Lane https://www.instagram.com/pixielane/
Polkadot England https://www.instagram.com/polkadot.england/
Quilted Koala https://www.instagram.com/quiltedkoala/
Skinfix https://www.instagram.com/skinfixinc/
Stick 2 Kindness https://www.instagram.com/stick2kindness_/
The Write Gift https://www.instagram.com/thewritegift_byjen/